5 Demonstrações simples sobre CPAP alternative Explicado

5 Demonstrações simples sobre CPAP alternative Explicado

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The small Inspire® implant delivers gentle pulses to your airway muscles to keep your airway open so you can breathe regularly and sleep soundly.

Keep Your Mouth Closed: Many people who use CPAP with a nasal mask use mouth tape or a chinstrap to keep their mouths shut and prevent air loss during nasal CPAP therapy.

Clinical studies have demonstrated that Inspire sleep apnea treatment is safe, though all surgeries carry risks. Incidents of serious complications related to the surgical procedure were less than 2%. In rare cases, extreme discomfort may require another operation to reposition the device.

(Get more CPAP care tips here.) And while some researchers have theorized that CPAP might increase the risk of respiratory infections such as pneumonia, studies so far have failed to find a link.

Stay Hydrated: Drinking water before and after sleep can boost hydration and help your dry nose recover after a night of using your CPAP machine.

CPAP was first developed in the 1980s and its underlying principle is that of continuous mild air pressure which serves to stent open the airway, and thereby overcome anatomical areas of collapse or obstruction. The key elements of the system include a CPAP machine (which creates the pressure gradient) and tubing, which attaches to, and transmits pressure to, the CPAP mask.

This makes your airways narrow and collapse, and you stop breathing for a moment, until your brain wakes you up to begin breathing again. Read more about obstructive sleep apnoea(external link). 

CPAP stands for continuous positive airway pressure. A CPAP machine sends a steady stream of air into your nose and/or mouth through a hose and mask. This flow of air comes from a small motorized unit that draws in air from the room and cleans it of contaminants, before get more info delivering it to the patient at a pressure specified by their healthcare professional.

The Inspire SleepSync platform is a connected patient management system designed to improve the Inspire therapy experience for patients and providers. The Inspire SleepSync platform enables wireless and automatic implant monitoring, efficient care coordination, and dynamic patient engagement.

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"I found the masks heavy and hard to sleep with, but the pillows are comfortable and less obtrusive," he says.

Over-Tightened Headgear: When your headgear is too tight, it can put additional pressure on certain parts of your head and even your neck, leading to muscle tension and tenderness.

EPAP is a relatively new therapy that was developed as an alternative to CPAP therapy for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). OSA is a sleep-related breathing disorder that occurs when the upper airway collapses as a result of muscles around the throat relaxing too much while sleeping. This causes lapses in breathing due to the airway being blocked, ultimately leading to poor quality sleep.

Let Your Equipment Air Out: After you have finished cleaning and sanitizing your CPAP equipment, allow it to dry and air out for at least a couple of hours. This allows potentially irritating chemicals used in your cleaner to leave your equipment before you use it again.

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